This morning I had to go WAY out into the country to do an inspection for a prospective home buyer. The name of the town is Ocklawaha, and I was in the part that has no cell phone service, no traffic lights, and a good percentage of the roads are still dirt. Put it this way: I was so far out that I would have to go in town to hunt deer.
Anyway, the person that had sent me out there told me to be careful because the door had been kicked in previously and someone had stole all of the appliances. He also said that he'd seen many bear tracks around the perimeter of the home, so I should be on the lookout for anything coming out of the woods that wasn't two-legged. The moment he mentioned bear, I forgot everything he said prior to that. The possibility of some burglar attacking me didn't faze me. Not when there was a chance of running into..well you know...the "B" word. Oh yeah, I saw those old "Faces of Death" videos where the bear turns that dude into his own personal plate of linguine, so believe me... I was on high alert.
Upon my arrival -my judo chop locked and loaded - I walked the outside of the home and immediately notice several bear tracks in the dirt. I took a picture of them for proof. They looked like they belonged to a BIG bear, but the more I thought about it, I guess all bear tracks are at least pretty big. So after I finished up, and prepared to leave unscathed and unmauled by the beast, I set out for my next appointment. While driving, I passed a side street and noticed something unusual in my peripheral. I turned to see a good sized Florida back bear sitting 15 feet from my vehicle staring at me. I immediately put my truck in reverse in hopes that I could take a picture of it.Suddenly emboldened with adrenalin, I rolled my window down and headed back towards the bear. This made me a little weary because I kept imagining it charging my truck. "If he did," I told my self "I would simply put the truck in drive and take off." The best he could do is ram my truck and worse case scenario is I would have a cool story to tell my insurance agent. As far as what I really should do if I come in contact with a bear,The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says this: Talk to the bear in a normal, calm voice, in as much of a monotone as you can master. You can say anything you want, as there is no evidence that bears can understand English.(Um, Really?)“Hey bear, hey bear, we’re here and we’re getting out of your way now,” is easy enough to remember! If you are in a group, only one person should be the “bear talker” as several people talking will likely sound contentious to a bear, no matter what you’re saying.
Now I don't know about you but, if I'm about to expire, I don't necessarily want my last words on the earth to be,"Hey bear, hey bear, we’re here and we’re getting out of your way now.” Maybe something more meaningful as in, "Listen son, you're gonna be the man of the house now, so promise me you'll take care of your mama and your sister...and don't forget to feed Old Yeller."
But alas, as I got close, it ran off into the woods. I snapped a photo of it running away, but cell phone cameras unfortunately don't always take the best pictures. So all I got was a fuzzy photo of a dark, shadowy image. Kind of like the photos you see that are supposed to be "proof" that bigfoot is real. Maybe soon I'll be on the shores of Lake George and I'll snap a pic of Ol' Nessie.
None the less, as Monday mornings go, at least this one was bearable.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.