Today while I was working, I was thinking about ways to make more money, while I was making money!. I wondered,"How can my small company gain market share?" I was thinking how nice it would be to have lots of disposable income, be able to vacation in Europe, drive the kind of car I’ve always wanted.
I wonder, how many people go through the day thinking these exact same thoughts? Almost everyone who’s carrying the label “Provider”, that’s who. No wonder it’s hard to make a lot of money - because everyone else is trying to make it too! Where does this obsession come from? Is it primal -as in- If I don’t hunt food, my family will starve? Maybe it’s the “Keeping Up With The Jones’” syndrome. Think about it, that neighbor- you know-the one who drives the Escalade with the nice rims and all the gold trim. Every time you take out the trash, you see that car. And if you look closer you’ll see his butler taking out his. Then later that morning he passes by your house on the way to work and you smile and wave while saying under your breathe,”Yeah hey, how you doin’? Don’t hit a telephone pole or anything.”
Now, I know this isn’t exactly how it works but in my mind I picture this pie graph, and I see my minuscule little sliver with a bunch of other slivers around it. Those “other” slivers are all of the people who have the same thoughts about money as me. You people!
Well then, I would like to ask all of you a favor: Stop thinking so much about making money. Because when you do, you're making it harder for me to make mine. Let me put it this way, the next time your being innovative, or you’re really hustling to top last months goal, stop and think for a second, “How am I affecting James’ ability to make money? Am I stealing a piece of his pie to feed my own greedy agenda?” Life isn't just about you... you know?
Okay so maybe I'm getting a little carried away with whole money thing. You see what it does to us? Look away, I'm hideous!
So I guess there's nothing wrong with you trying to carve out your own little piece of the pie too.
Just make sure and save a slice for yours truly. Capiche?
Mislaid Humor (Limerick)
1 week ago
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