So mayor Gavin Newsom is behind a proposed new law that would require cell phone manufacturers to label each phone with radiation information. The labeling must be at least as large as the price display. Are you kidding me? There's no scientific consensus on whether or not cell phone radiation does any harm, but that's not enough to stop big brother from protecting us from ourselves. Being the mindless sheep that we are.
What's next? Maybe they'll pass legislation saying the stuff that we exhale- carbon dioxide- is harming the environment and we'll have to buy these imaginary "carbon credits" to offset our crime of breathing out. Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't give them any more ideas.
My job, on most days, requires the use of a ladder so I can access attics to perform my inspections. Every time I set up my ladder I see numerous warning labels like, "Don't stand on here" or "This is not a step" and "Falling from this ladder would probably really hurt so you might want to avoid that." Okay, so I added the last one myself, but it's not that much of a stretch.
If I order a cup of coffee at the drive-thru, do they really have to warn me that coffee is hot? Yes. Because if they don't, and I spill that coffee on me and get burned then guess what? I'm getting paid! What ever happened to accidents or just plain ol' bad luck? Why does every misfortune of mine have to be someone else's fault? Let's take sports for example: "Hey coach, how come you're not starting my son at quarterback? I think he deserves it more than that other other kid." Because your son sucks that's why. Sure he may be a good student and he studies the bible every day, but he's got a noodle for an arm and you can time his 40 yard dash with a calender. And you know what? That's okay. It's no one's fault, that's just the way it is. I mean, where did this sense of entitlement come from?
So I reserve my right to fall off of my ladder dang it. Let me spill hot coffee on my self if I want. It shouldn't have to cost someone else millions of dollars because I was being careless or dumb.Well I guess I should wrap this up because my cell phone's ringing and it might be momma. Now where's that speaker button... don't wanna hold these things to close to our face now do we?
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